
Nr 13 - Junior Equitation

Junior Equitation in de HJEH Online Horse Show.

Gejureerd door Desiree Johnson.

Desiree Johnson

Desiree Johnson: USHJA 'R’ Hunter en Equitation jury. Afkomstig uit Canada en was een succesvolle ruiter in show jumping en de hunter ring. Sinds de laatste 25 jaar woonachtig in Duitsland waar ze een succesvolle handelsstal en fokkerij runt. Paarden worden verkocht naar o.a. Canada en recent was ze nog chef d’equipe van de New Zealand’s Winning Nations Cup Team in Abu Dabi 5*. Tot slot was ze de eigenaar en fokker van Cinca  die uiteindelijk werd gereden door Daniel Meech die als enige dubbel foutloos was in de Nations Cup.

1st place: Rider #1 is nicely turned out. The horse has a pleasant expression nice technique with high knees. The horse has a bit of a flat jump which is nice for an amateur or junior equitation rider.

I like this rider because she has a nice secure base and her eyes are nicely forward. I like that her release is a following hand that is not over exaggerated. 

Her hip angle could be a bit more open as she is laying on the neck slightly which does encourage the flat jumping style. I think she could allow this horse to close her hip angle as opposed to the reverse. So if I was teaching this girl I would ask her to try letting her horse jump up to her, hopefully that would encourage her horse to use his top line. Her leg position is secure with a good amount of weight in her heels. However, I find her stirrup slightly old fashioned style.

Although her turn out is smart and tidy I would trim off the saddle pad webbing or put it on the billet strap.

2nd place: I like this rider her look is effective.  Her horse is jumping with a tidy technique and the rider is looking up and presumably to the next jump. Her leg position though it is tight, her base support is slightly back.

I like that her hip angle is slightly more open than the first rider. 

3rd place: This rider has a pleasant over all look, but it is a slightly clingy look. Unlike the first rider who has a very strong lower leg and base. This rider has a slightly relaxed lower leg, her stirrup is what I refer to as “home” [foot has slipped in the stirrup all the way to the heel of the boot] and her weight coming up and out of her heel slightly. Her back is slightly relaxed and her eye level is nicely up and ahead.

This horse has a nice expression, though I wonder whether this horse needs a gag bit as that is rather strong bit. I always would prefer less bridle (softer bit) in the equitation ring, but since this is a jumping picture it’s just a note . His technique is what I would refer to as slightly low in the shoulder but well within scale of acceptable.

4th place: This rider's turn out looks as though she is a cross country rider. The horse looks pleasant with nice technique.

This rider has what I would refer to as a weak base. She’s pinching her knee to the saddle, which has allowed her weight to come out of her heel and because of her weak leg it has given her a slightly roached (rounded) back and a bit a clinging unstable upper-body.

Her release is short or automatic and her horse is jumping out of hand.